Introducing..... Fruit Bowl!
I want it SO badly. One of the creators, dolphin31,
has one, she's so LuCkY!
Next...a pet size TV! Only available at the play-as-your-pet party,
in the shop for flying pets.
Also, a pet size diner stool! So cute!
Again, available at the play-as-your-pet party.
New DE post. Here's the URL: Animal Jam Blog
Its about non-members being their
pet hamsters at the play-as-your-pet-party.
I'm so glad non-members can have pets too.
Another DE post. To access this post,
click on the URL above.
Believe me, its worth watching.
Here's an Animal Jam Fan pic fro the internet.
Credit to the person who took the pic!
-Well, thats all my news.
As dolphin31 says, See ya later alligators!